Effect Of Manual Therapy And Dry Needling On Headaches And Sinus Problems Manual therapy, or manipulative therapy, is used by physical therapists (PT) to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability. Manual therapy involves treating pain and discomfort using kneading and skillfully massaging. On the other hand dry needling is a Western invented technique unlike acupuncture that was invented in China centuries ago. This technique is accepted by Western Medicine Practitioners (MD).
Dry needling is designed to treat muscular pain.
In this technique a certified physical or physiotherapist inserts filiform needles into the skin for treatment. When combined, manual therapy and dry needling can effectively be used for the treatment of headache and sinus problems. According to research and tests performed by a Professor in Department of Physical Therapy, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, manual therapy and dry needling can be effectively used in treating headaches and sinus problems. The same has been proven by research and double-blind parallel-group study by the Eastern Mediterranean University Health Sciences Faculty.